Thursday, January 29, 2015



This site contains analytics and publicly available open source data links and examples.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Trend Empowered Marketing - Sample Sites

Trend Empowered Marketing - Sample Sites: Curated by iMeetingSpot twitter @iMeetingSpot iTravelPad Welcome to the iTravelPad blog. We want to create the best user ...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Profit from your blog

Profit from your blog
This is an example of combining a blog with an amazon store.
A 4% to 8% commission is paid to the blog owner by amazon, if anyone buys from their amazon store front, or clicks through and buys on the amazon site.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

iGeoFun - What's fun around here?: Read QRCode with your phone.

iGeoFun - What's fun around here?: Read QRCode with your phone.: "Ever wonder what the funny looking square barcodes are? They are QRCodes. Which directly link you to offers, web sites, coupons, ... without typing"

Monday, April 25, 2011

Domain Setup

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Open the Domains tab and select My Domain Names. You'll be directed to the Domain Manager page.
  3. Click the domain that you'd like to use with your blog.
  4. Click the Total DNS Control And MX Records link at the bottom of the section entitled Total DNS.
  5. Click Add New CNAME Record in the box labelled CNAMES (aliases). If you've already created a CNAME record for your blog's address, click the pencil icon next to the existing CNAME record.
  6. For the Name, enter only the subdomain of the address you want to use for your blog. For example, if you picked www.mydomain.comas your address, enter www here.
  7. Enter as the Host Name. Specify a TTL or use the default setting of 1 hour.
  8. Click OK, and then click OK again.

  1. Find the control panel on your domain registrar’s website, and locate your DNS (Domain Name System) settings. In order to link your blog to your custom domain, follow the instructions below to enter your "CNAME" and "A-records."
    Where it says Name, simply enter "www" and list as the Host Name. See our detailed instructions on providing CNAMEs for various registrars. If yours isn't listed, or if you run into other difficulties, contact your registrar directly and they can help you out.
    A-records (optional)
    The following action links your naked domain ( to your actual site ( If you skip this step, visitors who leave off the "www" will see an error page.
    Enter your domain name in the format, and list the I.P. addresses shown below in the "A" section. You'll need to create four separate A-records which point to four different Google IPs.
  2. Update your Blogger settings
    Before you move onto this step, wait about an hour for your DNS settings to activate. If you attempt to change the publishing settings before the DNS changes activate, then we'll let you know with a warning message.
    Now it’s time to make sure Blogger knows about your custom domain so that Google can direct readers to your blog. To get started, click on the Settings | Publishing tab in Blogger.
    Settings to PublishingThen click the link that allows you to switch to a custom domain.
    Switching DomainsThe BlogSpot Address setting now changes to Your Domain. Write in your new URL (, and save your settings. If you do not enter the "www," you will receive an error message.
    Own DomainCongratulations, you’re all set!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Drive Traffic

How to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

By: Poncho Boojo

I hear that all the time and I duly click to find out how, thinking I'll find a magic button that issues me with thousands of followers, eager to be my friend and also eager to buy my book! Not so, I'm afraid. I've made a list of some of the things that I've tried or am thinking of trying. It all acquires hard work though.

1. Forum Posting I'm a regular contributor to forums, but recently I've been asking questions and leaving my "signature" so folk can post back here in reply - and do they? Do they heck! They all reply on the forum.

2. Twitter I leave headings to my blog posts on twitter with the link, and yes I've had results this way but now I'm finding them ignored.

3. Building a Platform on Twitter... Mainly because I'm boring the hell out of my followers. I'm reluctant to download things and so I'm not bothering with feeds which I may have to change my mind about, because my followers on Twitter has hit 1700 and stopped. And I can't follow anymore, because I've reached my follow limit. So, note to self, need to research about "building a Twitter platform".

4. Facebook. This is another good way of advertising yourself, although I should imagine your friends and family would grow weary of your repetitive "Buy my book!" headline.

5. Blog Tours. This is instead of getting off your lazy arse and giving interviews on radio and TV... or rather for the not-so-famous-that-haven't-a-hell-of-a-chance-of-getting-interviewed-on-TV-or-radio. You could have a chat with other writer friends about this, but frankly don't think I'm interesting enough for anyone to want to interview me!

6. Blog carnivals. Not heard of this one before, but after excitedly researching I've discovered that it doesn't mean dressing up in brightly coloured clothes, singing and dancing in the street. I shall to look into this, but I imagine it's similar to Blog Tours?

7. Email subscription. You can invite everyone in your network to subscribe to your blog. Wasn't too sure about this one to be honest. Is there a point?

8. Link. Add a link to your blog in your email signature file. Brilliant idea, not sure the bank manager would appreciate it at the end of my rant about charges!

14. Trackback (or Pingback as it's sometimes called). This sends a message from one server to another server letting it know you have posted a reference to their post. Blogger doesn't support this, but uses Blacklink instead. I've only just started to use it, so can't comment on its usefulness yet.

15. Business Cards, brochures, flyers or whatever. This is an in invaluable way to advertise your blog. I use Vistaprint, and can't fault them.

16. RSS Feed This will let people subscribe to your blog, it means Really Simple Syndication, yeah, so simple I still haven't a clue! Anyway, isn't this the same as number 7?

17. Practise Good House Keeping on your blog that is. Keep it up-to-date, and post at least once a fortnight if not more. And always, always, reply to comments. It's so annoying when I make the effort to visit a blog, read and reply, and then ignored by the blog owner. Grrrr

18. Articles Write an article about something you've seen in another blog. Add their link, and then tell them. You never know this may lead to some of their followers following you as well!

Article From Internet Marketing Articles

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blog from anywhere!

Post from anywhere!

When you send texts to BLOGGR (256447) or photos to from your mobile device they're automatically posted to your new blog.

How it works

  • First send an SMS with the word 'REGISTER' to BLOGGR (256447).
  • We'll reply with the address of your new mobile blog, plus a claim code.
  • Post to your new mobile blog, or use the claim code to link your phone to a different blog.
  • To opt out of receiving SMS messages to your phone, text STOP to BLOGGR (256447)
  • To get help from your mobile device, text HELP to BLOGGR (256447)
  • To unlink your device from Blogger, text UNREGISTER to BLOGGR (256447).
  • Sending text messages to BLOGGR (256447) is currently available for US phone numbers only.

or use MMS
  • First send an MMS or email with the word 'REGISTER' to
  • We'll reply with the address of your new mobile blog, plus a claim code.
  • Post to your new mobile blog, or use the claim code to link your phone to a different blog.
  • To unlink your device from Blogger, send an MMS or email with word 'UNREGISTER' to

Devices and more

Blogger Mobile works with any device that can send texts via SMS, or email via MMS. Google does not charge for this service. Standard message charges apply.